Kala Ashram Ayurved Medical College and Hospital
NHW 27, Village Bansada, Tehsil Gogunda, District Udaipur 313705
RHO: 21-A, Daitya Magri, Udaipur (Raj.) 313001
E-Mail: nupurdk@yahoo.com, Contact: 02956-294041-45
Ref.: KAAMCH/Corr/Advt/Staff/2021
Dated: 20.07.2021
Applications are invited for the post of Professor/Reader or 2 Lecturers in Department of Agad Tantra Evum Vidhi Vaidhyak in this college & hospital for the academic session 2021-22 under the rules, regulations and circular no 26-75/2020-AY (Visitation) dated 26.03.2021 of NCISM (erstwhile CCIM). Interested may apply with one set of photocopies of testimonials and certificates. Salary and others will be paid as per rules. No TA/DA will be paid for interview process.