Department of Prasuti Tantra Evum Vikriti Vigyan
Kala Ashram Ayurved Medical College and Hospital
Gogunda, District Udaipur (Rajasthan)
Successful pregnancy in unicornuate uterus through Ayurveda: A case report-International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) ISSN Approved Journal No: ISSN: 2320-2882, IMPACT FACTOR: 7.97 (Volume 12, Issue 1, January 2024)
In the present case study a 24 year old woman with complaints of unable to conceive and history of previous missed abortion visited OPD of prasuti tantra & stree roga department of MMM government Ayurveda College, Udaipur Rajasthan. On taking proper history she was found to be the rare case of a unicornuate right uterus with rudimentary non-communicating left horn. She had history of severe pain during menses and USG for which suggests a large right ovarian endometriotic cyst (64×44.1×50 mm & vol. 73.8cc) along with follicular retention cyst of size 27×21 mm. She had done with laparoscopic surgery for cystectomy. At the time of surgery she was accidentally diagnosed with unicornuate right uterus having rudimentary noncommunicating left horn. Also endometriosis was found to be disseminated to right fallopian tube and ovary as they was adhered to right ovarian fossa and uterus was adhered with anterior and lateral wall. Adhesiolysis along with right ovarian cystectomy and removal of left rudimentary horn was done. Endometriotic spots at uterosacral ligament and posterior wall of uterus was also fulgurated. The right tube and both ovaries were preserved.
Following surgery she tried for conception by ovulation induction drugs of allopathic treatment. But pregnancy ends with missed abortion. After that she was continuously taking allopathic treatment but got no results. Ayurvedic regime with the goal of achieving successful pregnancy in unicornuate uterus and curing endometriosis was followed. She was treated with Ayurvedic formulations including Arka patra Swedana (at lower abdomen specifically at right side considering intact fallopian tube) after local massage with oil, tablet aloes compound, kumaryasav, ashwagandha-shatavari ksheerpak, and Cap. Fertive F. Only Ayurvedic medicines were used during the course of treatment. After two months of treatment she got pregnant and USG findings were suggestive of single live intra uterine pregnancy of 6weeks and 1day. Her pregnancy was uneventful and she delivered full term healthy male child on 16 February 2023. Till date patient is healthy without any complications regarding menses. Therefore this study was conducted to evaluate one of the treatment regimens for infertility in unicornuate uterus with endometriosis. Keywords: endometriosis, female infertility, rudimentry horn, unicornuate uterus.