The College Council is formed as a statutory body of the College on all academic matters and was constituted on 15.02.2014. It shall have control and general supervision and be responsible for the maintenance of standards of instructions, research, education, and examination within the College. It shall exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and shall have the right to advise the Management of the College on all academic matters.
(a) Constitution
The Principal shall be the Chairman of the College Council. The council shall consist of the following members, namely:
- Principal – Chairman;
- Professors & HOD of the Departments and the Associate Professors/Reader, if holding charge of the Head of the Departments. Provided that where there is no Professor or Associate Professor/Reader in the department, the teacher who acts as the Head of the Department shall be a member of the College Council.
 (b) Tenure
The members of the Council Council, other than the ex-officio members, shall hold office for the term of whole service period starting from the date of their appointment or co-option, as the case may be or as specified otherwise.
(c) Meetings and Quorum
(i) As a routine, the College Council shall normally meet Five to Six time in a year on the dates as fixed by the Principal. However, the Principal may call a special meeting of the College Council, if required. The Principal, give not less than ten days clear notice for a routine meeting and two days for a special meeting.
(ii) The agenda and proceedings of each meeting of the Colleg Council shall be prepared by the Principal and shall be approved by the Management of the College.
- The Principal shall send by electronic media or post, a copy of the proceedings of that meeting so signed by the Principal/Chairman, to each member of the College Council, the Management Body, the Account Section and the HOD’s of the Departments within one week after a meeting. A copy of the minutes shall be submitted to the Management of College also.
- Approval of the resolutions shall be by simple majority of the Members present.
- One third members of the Colleg Council shall form the quorum for a meeting.
(d) Powers and Functions of the College Council
(i) To exercise general supervision over the academic policies of the College and to give directions regarding methods of instruction, evaluation, research and improvement in academic standards.
(ii) To consider matters of general academic interest either on its own initiative or on a reference from the Central/State Government, Council or University or the Board of Management and to take appropriate action thereon.
(iii) To frame such regulations including academic functioning of the College, discipline, time-table, admissions, award of fellowships and scholarship, fee and other academic requirements.
(iv) To approve the new strategies/planning for the methodology, classes, practicals and clinical, co-curricular activities, games and sports, cultural activities, educational tour and others.
(v) To take up the matters for periodical review of functioning and coordination between all the departments and recommend to the Management of College, the ways and means of improvement.
(vi) To consider other academic or student welfare matters referred to it and to framing rules and regulations of the College.
List of updated members of College Council
S.No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Prof. Ram Veer Sharma | Principal/Chairman |
2 | Prof. Pramod Kumar Sharma | Professor |
3 | Prof. Samba Murthy | Professor |
4 | Prof. Shruty Dumbre | Professor |
5 | Dr. Veena Shrimali | Associate Professor/Reader |
6 | Dr. Anup Mazumdar | Associate Professor/Reader |
7 | Dr. Punita Sharma | Associate Professor/Reader |
8 | Dr. Sanjay M. | Associate Professor/Reader |
9 | Dr. Shashi Kant Sachan | Associate Professor/Reader |
10 | Dr. Raghubala Kaviya | Associate Professor/Reader |
11 | Dr. Hiren Kumar Vora | Associate Professor/Reader |
12 | Dr. Hemanshu Jain | Associate Professor/Reader |
13 | Dr. Aniruddha Pathak | Associate Professor/Reader |
14 | Dr. Unnikrishnan T.M. | Associate Professor/Reader |